A Gap Analysis and Strategic Plan
MSDE’s Division of Early Childhood completed a gap analysis and strategic plan (available here), which includes a summary of the current state of IECMH knowledge and practices within the ECE workforce throughout the state and the current landscape of IECMH professional development system components. Implications of the findings of the gap analysis are used to provide a series of recommendations for the state as it continues to develop a professional development system to support IECMH.
Click here to read the whole document in full page view.

The Pyramid Model for Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children (formerly known as SEFEL – the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning) is an evidence-based framework for promoting and supporting infant and early childhood mental health and social emotional development of all children. As seen in the video above, the Pyramid Model takes a tiered public health approach to providing universal supports to all children to promote wellness, targeted supports to those at risk and intensive interventions for those who need them, all supported by an effective workforce. The Pyramid Model supports adults interacting with children in a range of settings within a range of disciplines (including early intervention providers, early educators, families and other professionals).
To learn more about the Pyramid Model, please visit the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) and the National Pyramid Model Consortium.